An Dara Rogha – Celia de Fréine

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Bliain 19 sa Ré Úr. Am a bhfuil deireadh leis an saol a bhfuil aithne againn air agus cónaí ar an daonra i mBithsféir fud fad an domhain. Is i mBithsféar 9 atá Emma agus Zara lonnaithe. Ar bhreithlá Emma, í seacht mbliana déag d’aois, roghnaítear í don chúrsa is tábhachtaí sa choláiste, dar leis na hÚdaráis. Ach céard atá i ndán dá cara, Zara, nach bhfuil chomh cliste céanna léi? An gcuirfear chuig Feirm na bhFéatas í le bheith ina síolraitheoir?

San úrscéal tuairimeach seo, tá go leor ceachtanna le foghlaim ag Emma agus Zara agus go leor dúshlán le sárú acu. An mbeidh orthu glacadh lena bhfuil i ndán dóibh nó an ann don dara rogha?

It’s Year 19 in the New Era. A time where life has we know it has ended and the population lives in Biospheres all across the world. Emma and Zara are based in Biosphere 9. On Emma’s birthday, when she turns seventeen years old, she is chosen for the post important course in the college, according to the Authorities. But what’s in store for her friend, Zara, who isn’t as clever as she is? Will she be sent to the Feotus Farm to be a breeder?

In this speculative fiction novel, Emma and Zara have lots of lessons to learn and lots of challenges to overcome. Will they have to accept what’s in store for them or is there a second option?

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