Leabhar Mór Bhriathra na Gaeilge - The Great Irish Verb Book

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Tá Leabhar Mór Bhriathra na Gaeilge dírithe ar an Ghaeilgeoir ag gach leibhéal:

  • Móruirlis thagartha atá ann do dhuine ar bith atá ag plé leis an teanga – sa bhaile, sa staidéar nó san obair.
  • Réimnítear 112 briathar ina n-iomláine agus tá breis agus 3300 briathar crostagartha eile san innéacs.
  • Tugtar foirmeacha sa Chaighdeán Oifigiúil agus sna trí phríomhchanúint: Gaeilge Chúige Uladh, Gaeilge Chonnacht agus Gaeilge na Mumhan.

An t-údar: Is é an Dr A.J Hughes MA, Mèsl, PhD, PGCHET údar an leabhair seo. Tá sé ina Stiúrthóir ar chúrsaí Gaeilge Ollscoil Uladh Bhéal Feirste agus tá 25 bliain de thaithí aige ar theagasc na Gaeilge agus mar thaighdeoir agus údar.

The Great Irish Verb Book is aimed at Irish speakers of all levels.

  • It is a major reference source for anyone involved with the language – at home, class or in the workplace.
  • 112 verbs are conjugated in full and the Index contains more than 3300 cross referenced verbs.
  • Forms are provided for the Official Standard and in the three main dialects: Ulster, Connaught and Munster.
  • The book builds a much-needed bridge between the Official Standard and the Gaeltacht

The Author: Dr A.J Hughes MA, Mèsl, PhD, PGCHET is the author of this book. He is Course Director of the Irish-language programmes in the University of Ulster at Belfast. He has more than 25 years experience in teaching the language, research and publishing

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