Mo Mhadra Beoga - Patrick Deeley

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Glac Sos, sraith de leabhar simplí

Sraith leabhar do létheoirí óga. Bealach fíorspreaguil í an tsraith seo leis an nGaeilge a shaothrú sa seomra rang. Áis iontach í freisin do thuismitheoirí ar mhaith leo léamh na Gaeilge a chuir chun cinn sa bhaile.

A series of 14 Books. Ideal for the classroom or at home.

Mo Mhadra Beoga Le Patrick Deeley

Ba bhreá le Jenny madra dá cuid féin. Ach is trioblóid an madra seo! Bíonn sé ag tochailt sa ghairdín i gcónaí! Bíonn sé i dtrioblóid i Sciol na Madraí! Cad a dhéanfaidh Jenny?

Jenny would love to have her own dog, then she is given a little dog called Beoga as a present for her sixth birthday. Beoga is always in trouble, what will Jenny do?

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