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Is scéal atá "beagnach fíor" é 'An Crann Cois na Trá'. Is fíorchrann é an crann, is fíordhuine é Tommy Craggs agus is fíoráit í Páirc San Anna agus, thar aon ní eile, is fíordhraíocht sa scéal seo.

The Tree By The Sea is Debbie Deegan's first book, and the first in The Tree By The Sea series.

The big old cypress tree overlooking Dublin Bay is an actual real life tree that you can visit. Debbie watched Tommy Craggs, a tree sculptor, for months while he carved away rescuing the old dying tree. She was fascinated with the animals appearing through Tommy's gifted hands, and so an idea was born in her imagination about the animals coming alive at night to grant wishes made during the day by the many children that visit the tree.

Illustrated by Bronagh Lee.

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