An gCacann Beacha? – An Seisear Salach - Thomas Kingsley Troupe

Sale price€5


Is grúpa cairde iad an Seisear Salach atá ina gcónaí i ndumpa na cathrach. Chuirfeadh sé iontas ort a oiread agus is féidir a fhoghlaim faoin eolaíocht agus tú sa dumpa! San eachtra seo tagann na cairde ar nead beach agus faigheann said amach mar gheall ar na difrochtaí idir rudaí beo agus rudaí neamhbheo.

An Seisear Salach are a group of friends living in the city dump. It would amaze you the amount of science you can learn in the dump! In this adventure the friends find a beehive and they learn about the differences between things that are alive and things that are dead.

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