Athdhíolam d’Abairtí Dúchasacha - Maolmhaodhóg Ó Ruairc

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An féidir míniúchán beacht a thabhairt ar an gcumas atá ionainn na rudaí a chloisimid agus a léimid a thuiscint? An féidir an cumas sin a leathnú agus a fhorbairt? Bíodh is nach mór a bheith eolach ar stór focal agus ar ghramadach teanga, ní leor an méid sin. Bíonn tuiscint ar na gnásanna sóisealta atá intuigthe sa teanga de dhíth freisin. Is cuid dhílis de na gnásanna sin na habairtí dúchasacha nó an teanga mheafarach. Féachtar sa bhailiúchán seo d’abairtí meafaracha agus samhlaoideacha as Foclóir Gaeilge-Béarla Uí Dhónaill le léargas nua ar an teanga mheafarach sin sa Ghaeilge a thabhairt don léitheoir.

How do we explain the ability to understand what we hear and read. Can we develop and expand that ability? A knowledge of grammar and vocabulary is essential in language learning, but these are not the sum total. A grasp of the social norms peculiar to the language is also necessary and a key portion of these social norms is to be found in old sayings. This collection of phrases from Ó Dónaill’s Irish-English Dictionary aims to give the reader a fresh insight into this metaphorical aspect of the Irish language

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