Mise Do Mhamó - Majella Ní Dhomhnaill

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Is uaigneach an saol a bhíonn ag Cecily Ní Bhaoill. Alcólach a bhí inti fadó agus, mar thoradh air sin, ní bhíonn teagmháil ar bith aici lena hiníon fhásta ná lena beirt gharpháistí. Anois, tá a gariníon ag déanamh réidh lena Céad Chomaoineach a dhéanamh agus, thar aon ní eile, ba bhreá le Cecily bheith i láthair. An féidir léi teagmháil a dhéanamh leis an teaghlach sula mbeidh sé ródhéanach?

Scéal é seo a léiríonn an choimhlint idir an phróifíl shnasta ar Facebook agus an fhírinne lom. Bíonn na carachtair uile ag streachailt lena gcuid fadhbanna féin - idir andúileachas, aonrú sóisialta agus foréigean baile – agus baineann an t-údar leas as guthanna difriúla chun dearcadh thrí ghlúin den teaghlach seo a chur in iúl. Insítear an scéal i nGaeilge shimplí agus tá míniú ar fhocail agus ar nathanna cainte ag bun gach leathanaigh agus sa ghluais ag deireadh an leabhair.

Ghnóthaigh an saothar seo duais ag Comórtais Liteartha an Oireachtais 2019.

Cecily Ní Bhaoill leads a lonely life. She was an alcoholic many years ago and as a result she no longer has any contact with her adult daughter or her two grandchildren. Her grand-daughter is now about to make her First Communion and, above anything else, Cecily wants to be there. Can she make contact with her family before it's too late?

A story that reveals the conflict between the shiny Facebook profile and the reality of life. All the characters are dealing with their own problems - from addiction, to social isolation and domestic violence - and the author uses different voices to highlight the perspectives of three generations of this family. The story is told in simple Irish and words and phrases are explained at the bottom of each page and in the glossary at the end of the book.

This book won a prize at Comórtais Liteartha an Oireachtas 2019.

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