2 leabhar mhóra in aon leabhar amháin – ficsean/ neamhfhicsean. Tá Pógaí Frog agus Lára Laghairt ar ais sa taobh ficsin den leabhar seo agus iad ag iarraidh ruaig a chur ar na ba ón loch s’acu. Ag an taobh neamhfhicsin den leabhar, pléitear leis na cineálacha éagsúla cos a bhíonn ar ainmhithe – crúba; crúba na gcapall; cá mhéad ladhar; úsáid na gcrúb, cosa ainmhithe eile. Is cinnte go mbainfidh na páistí idir shult agus thairbhe as an leabhar spreagúil seo.”
2 large books in one single book – fiction/non-fiction. Pógaí Frog & Lára Laghairt ar back in the fictional side of this book, trying to chase the cows from their lake. The non-fictional side of the book discusses the different types of feet animals have – hooves; horses’ hooves; how many toes; the use of hooves & other animal feet. It is certain that children will get both enjoyment and benefit from this exciting book.
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