An Mac Tíre Deireanach - Patricia Forde

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Éire i lár an 17ú haois. Tá saighdiúirí Chromail ag déanamh cos ar bolg ar mhuintir na hÉireann, ach ní hiad na daoine amháin atá ag fulaingt – tá cogadh fógartha ag Cromail ar an mac tíre féin, agus ní fada go mbeidh an t-ainmhí sin go hiomlán imithe ón tír. Tá deis ag Úna, cailín óg misniúil, an fód a sheasamh ar son an ainmhí uasail sin agus cabhrú le mac tíre amháin teacht slán ó shaighdiúirí Chromail. Ach cén seans atá ag an mbeirt sin – cailín agus mac tíre – nuair atá an saol ar fad ina gcoinne?

Ireland in the middle of the 17th Century. The country is being tyrannised by Cromwell's soldiers, but it isn't just the people of Ireland who are suffering - Cromwell has declared a war on wolves, and it won't be long until every last wolf is gone from the country. Una, a young brave girl, has an opportunity to stand up for that noble animal and to help one wolf evade the clutches of Cromwell's soldiers. But what chance do one girl and one wolf have when the whole world is against them?

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