Éanlaith Iarthuaisceart Thír Chonaill - Maitiú Ó Murchú

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Cnuasach grianghraf agus téacs ar ghné den fhiadhúlra in Iarthuaisceart Thír Chonaill, taobh tíre a bhfuil taithí ag an údar air, atá sa leabhar seo. Shiúil sé a dhúiche agus ceamara ina láimh aige. Thapaigh sé deiseanna, ach é a bheith gasta go leor go minic, le taifead a dhéanamh ar na héanacha sa cheantar ó Ghaoth Beara na dtonn chun na Dúchoradh aníos a fhad le Gleann Bheatha agus chomh fada le Dún Fionnachaidh ó thuaidh ag pilleadh siar bealach an chósta chuig inbhear Abhainn Ghaoth Beara.

Is éard atá sa téacs ná cnuasach de mhíreanna eolais inspéise; iompar na n-éanacha, béaloideas fúthu, an chiall a bhaineann leis na hainmneacha eolaíocha, logainmneacha a bhaineann leo, agus seanfhocail.

Tá léargas ar fáil ar an dóigh a thiompaíonn rotha mór an tsaoil ag na héanacha agus an tionchar a bhíonn ag na séasúir ar na speicis éagsúla a bhíonn inár measc, roinnt acu ag imeacht uainn agus a thuilleadh ag tarraingt orainn, chomh maith leo sin a chónaíonn go buan inár gcuideachta.

Is leabhar ar leith é seo a chuireann eolas agus ábhar ar fáil faoi níos mó ná 100 speiceas éanacha.


A collection of photographs and text about the birds of Northwest Donegal, a part of the country that the author knows well. He walked the region with his camera in his hand, seizing opportunities, when fast enough, to record the birds of the area from Gaoth Beara to Dúchoradh, up to Gleann Bheatha and as far north as Dún Fionnachaidh returning back the coastal route to the estuary of the Gaoth Beara river.

The text gathers together pieces of interesting information; the behaviour of the birds, bird-related folklore, the meaning behind the scientific names, bird-related placenames and phrases.

We get an insight into how the circle of life turns for the birds and the impact of the seasons on the different species in our midst, some of them who leave us and others who join us, as well as those who live here all-year round.

This is a unique book that provides information and material about over 100 species of birds.

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