Éanna Corr - Antain Mac Lochlainn

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‘Conas is féidir duine a shábháil nuair nach dtuigeann sé féin go bhfuil sé i gcontúirt?’

Duine ar an imeall é Éanna Ó Corra. Aonarán i measc na ndaltaí eile i bPobalscoil na Carraige. Éan corr, go deimhin. Ach cuirtear casadh i scéal Éanna nuair a thagann dalta nua chun na scoile. Ní dalta mar gach dalta eile é Síomón Collina. Tá sé muiníneach. Tá sé cliste.
Agus tá sé ag iarraidh a bheith mór le hÉanna. Ach an féidir go bhfuil rud éigin á cheilt aige? An cairdeas nó cleasaíocht atá le tairiscint aige? Agus cé hiad an dream rúnda seo, an Teampall Nua? Scéal faoi chairdeas atá in Éanna Corr. Scéal faoi shaoirse is ea é chomh maith. An mbeidh Éanna in ann an fód a sheasamh dó féin agus dá chara? An mbeidh sé de mhisneach aige na ceisteanna crua a chur, fiú má chuireann sé sin an cairdeas i mbaol? An mbeidh aird aige ar chomhairle a dheirféara, Brídín: ‘Choíche ná go deo, ná díol do shaoirse ar mhaithe le comhluadar.’

An tÚdar
Scríbhneoir agus aistritheoir ó Chúil Raithin i gContae Dhoire é Antain Mac Lochlainn. Cuireadh a chéad úrscéal, Ruball an Éin. ar ghearrliosta Dhuaiseanna Glen Dimplex 2006, agus tá cáil nach beag air mar aistritheoir liteartha.

‘How can a person be saved when he himself does not realize that he is in danger?’

Éanna Ó Corra is a person living on the margins of life. Alone among the other pupils in Pobalscoil na Carraige. An odd bird, as his name suggests. But Éanna's story takes a turn when a new student arrives at the school. Síomón Collina is not a student like every other student. He is confident. He is smart. And he wants to be Éanna’s friend. But could he be hiding something? Does he have friendship or trickery to offer? And who are those secretive people, the New Temple? Éanna Corr is a story about friendship. It is also a story of freedom. Will Éanna be able to stand up for himself and his friend? Will he have the courage to ask the hard questions, even if that puts the friendship at risk? Will he heed the advice of his sister, Brídín: 'Never, never, never sell your freedom for the sake of companionship.'

The Author
Antain Mac Lochlainn is a writer and translator from Colraine in County Derry. His first novel, Rubble an Éin, was shortlisted for the Glen Dimplex Awards 2006, and he has a considerable reputation as a literary translator.

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