Graveyard Clay - Liam Mac Con Iomaire & Tim Robinson

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Sár-aistriúchán nua-fhoilsithe de mhórshaothar Mháirtín Uí Chadhain, Cré na Cille. San áireamh sa leabhar freisin, tá nótaí cuimsitheacha ina bhfuil cur síos déanta ag na haistritheoirí Liam Mac Con Iomaire agus Tim Robinson ar an gcur chuige a bhí acu féin agus iad i mbun an aistriúcháin, ar chúlra agus ar chomhthéacs an úrscéil.
Aistriúchán a thugann spiorad agus brí bhunleagan Uí Chadhain leis go hinniúil. D'oibrigh Liam Mac Con Iomaire, arb as Conamara ó dhúchas é agus Tim Robinson, scríbhneoir agus cartagrafaí as Yorkshire, Sasana ó dhúchas, le chéile ar na aistriúchán seo. D'éirigh leo san aistriúchán seo brí agus ardchaighdeán liteartha bhunleagan Uí Chadhain a thabhairt slán. Úrscéal é seo atá lán den ghreann dubh agus a thugann saothar Synge agus Beckett chun cuimhne.

Titeann an scéal amach tríd an chaint agus an comhrá de réir mar a thagann na mairbh nua go dtí an reilig. Bíonn scéalta an tsaoil ag na mairbh nua agus insíonn an nuacht don dream atá sáinnithe ina gcónraí. Titeann maidhmeanna cúlchainte agus biadáin sa mhullach ar a chéile agus léirítear áiféis agus amaidí chás an chine daonna. Cuireann Mac Con Iomaire agus Robinson le saibhreas an aistriúcháin sna nótaí cuimsitheacha atá scríofa acu mar chompánach ag an téacs.

A brilliant new translation of Ó Cadhain's modern Irish literature masterpiece, now with bonus materials on its history, reception, interpretations, adaptations, and more.

In critical opinion and popular polls, Máirtín Ó Cadhain's Graveyard Clay (Cré na Cille) is invariably ranked the most important prose work in modern Irish. This bold new translation of his radically original Cré na Cille is the shared project of fluent Irish speaker Liam Mac Con Iomaire, from Ó Cadhain's native region, and Tim Robinson, a writer and cartographer born in Yorkshire, England, and fluent in Irish. They have achieved a lofty goal: to convey Ó Cadhain's meaning accurately while meeting his towering literary standards. Graveyard Clay is a novel of black humour, reminiscent of the work of Synge and Beckett.

The story unfolds almost entirely in dialogue as the newly dead arrive in the graveyard, bringing news of recent local happenings to those already confined in their coffins. Avalanches of gossip, back-biting, flirting, feuds, and scandal-mongering ensue, while the absurdity of human nature becomes ever clearer. This edition of Ó Cadhain's masterpiece is enriched with footnotes, bibliography, publication and reception history, and other materials that invite further study and deeper enjoyment of his most engaging and challenging work; it is meant to spark debate and comparison with Alan Titley's ‘The Dirty Dust’.

Máirtín Ó Caidhin (1906-1970) is widely acknowledged as one of the most significant writers in the Irish language and a giant among twentieth-century authors.

A lifelong language-activist, he invigorated the Irish language and Irish literature with his imaginative genius.
Liam Mac Con Iomaire is a writer, lecturer, broadcaster, translator and biographer.

Tim Robinson is a writer, artist and cartographer.

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