Mac tíre beag é Macán. Amanna, déanann sé rudaí as bealach, agus is mac tíre beag deas é i ndáiríre. Tá sé ag foghlaaim faoin saol óna Dhaidí agus a Mhamaí. Sa tsraith álainn seo foghlaimímid na rudaí atá le foghlaim ag Macán: a dhinnéar a ithe, an pota a úsáid, agus codladh ina leaba féin.
Anocht, tá Macán Mac Tire ina leaba. Ach tá sé dorcha ina sheomra, agus cá bhfios nach bhfuil púca i bhfolach faoin leaba?
Macán is a little wolf. Sometimes, he misbehaves, but he really is a good little wolf. He is learning from life from his Daddy and Mammy. In this beautiful series, we learn all the little things that Macán must learn: to eat his dinner, to use his potty, and to sleep in his own bed.
Tonight, Macán the wolf is in his bed. But its dark in his room, and who knows if there is a ghost hiding under his bed?
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